cross-posted from:

I couldn’t find any tools to check this, so I built one myself.

This is a little site I built: the Defederation Investigator With it, you can get a comprehensive view of which instances have blocked yours, as well as which ones you are federated with.

The tool is open source and available on GitHub. Hopefully someone will find it useful, enjoy.

    29 months ago

    That’s very useful, thank you

    Just to note if copying the URL you have to strip off the https:// or else it won’t work (maybe people just don’t copy that these days, but I ran in to that problem anyway).

    • Nerd02A
      29 months ago

      Uh yeah that is true. This was a one afternoon project, so I kinda threw the frontend together without thinking too much of it. I guess truncating the protocol instead of relying on the users doing it makes sense.

  • kitonthenet
    19 months ago

    You should probably cache results so users aren’tspamming other instances

        9 months ago

        they are are extremely obnoxious mix of tankies and some other leftists who might have been slightly less obnoxious if they were on their own, but being in the group with said tankies, you don’t want them any more than the former

        i apologize for grammar structure of my sentence and hope it makes some sense

        if you have few days of time to kill you can check this thread where admin is asking users about their opinion on defederating them. they brigade the thread in such a way they make more than 77% of the 2k comments in the thread (not exaggerating - the thread has 1920 comments when viewed from and 425 when viewed from which blocks them) and explain their philosophy in the process. so you will understand stuff like “who absolutely needs to be murdered for the crime of having more money than you in order to make world more just place & other tankies’ wisdom”.

        you have to acknowledge that they did really good job of introducing themselves, though - i had no idea they even existed the day before that thread and i am firm proponent of “defederate. now.” today 😆

        • SeborrheicDermatitis [any]
          09 months ago

          I don’t know why you are shocked and horrified when people engage with something on their own front page?

          That’s how federation works, is it not?

          It’s not brigading, it’s literally right there at the top of the front page, so of course people will comment on it.

            09 months ago

            It certainly wouldn’t be brigading if the ratio of hexbear comments was proportional to its size. But I haven’t seen many comments there, for example, and they saw the thread in their feeds just as much as you did.

            That’s how federation works, is it not?

            Federation works by connecting various instances with different goals and different userbases. Those instances need a space to discuss those goals among themselves, where the admins can communicate with the users, etc. Some external engagement is to be expected, but one specific instance creating 3x more comments than all the others taken together (including the instance whose policy is supposed to be discussed) should, uh, raise an eyebrow.

            • booty [he/him]
              -19 months ago

              But I haven’t seen many comments there, for example

              Why would there be a large proportion of comments when the thread is literally about hexbear? You don’t expect hexbear users to have stronger opinions on that than users?

            • booty [he/him]
              9 months ago

              Imagine you’ve got 100,000 people in a room. Let’s say they’re split between people wearing blue shirts, green shirts, and red shirts. But it’s not an even split. Half of the people in the room are wearing red shirts. Someone in a blue shirt steps up onto the stage and says, “Open discussion everyone: I think red shirts are assholes and we should kick them all out of the room.”

              What exactly do you expect to happen next?

              Those instances need a space to discuss those goals among themselves, where the admins can communicate with the users, etc.

              That’s not what the thread in question was. We were invited to join the discussion. If we had not been welcome to join the discussion, we would have stayed out of it.

                19 months ago

                Regarding the analogy:

                1. it’s not one but multiple connected rooms

                2. the room with people in red shirts has suddenly decided to connect with the rooms with the less numerous blue and green shirts

                3. it’s not “someone” in a blue shirt, it’s a significant number of people in blue shirts who think the red ones should simply return to their own room that they were perfectly happy with until now

                We were invited to join the discussion


                Where exactly do you see the invitation? I see “I am very interested to hear thoughts and responses from our own users.”

                • booty [he/him]
                  9 months ago

                  the room with people in red shirts has suddenly decided to connect with the rooms with the less numerous blue and green shirts
                  think the red ones should simply return to their own room that they were perfectly happy with until now

                  go back to reddit. this is the fediverse, the entire point is that these are not, in fact, “separate” rooms. being connected is the default. that’s why it requires a giant discussion to kick anyone out.

                  Where exactly do you see the invitation?

                  It was posted publicly to all federated communities and absolutely no indication was made that the majority of people to whom the post was sent were unwelcome to participate.

                  On Hexbear, we have a rule that we have to leave meta discussions of other instances alone if they want us to. All the admin had to say was, “ users only” and we would’ve stayed out. If you refuse to take such a simple measure to restrict discussion to your own community, you do not actually want to restrict discussion to your own community.

                  And the admin didn’t. You can go ask him. He was not trying to keep hexbear users out or in any way offended by the fact that we participated in the discussion. Why are you (a member of neither instance) offended on his behalf?

        9 months ago

        Its an echochamber that defederated whit most instances, and they very good at gatekeeping since if you try to sign up in there they ask you for an esay to sign up like if they where hot shit and theres a 30% chance they acctually let you in, and the moderation in there is pretty ban heavy and the admins are pretty much reddit mods that love to keep their echochambers closed. So thats why.

          19 months ago

          Yes they want to be a safe space for their users, if some people want to talk on the internet without being harassed I’m happy for them

          19 months ago

          I think it has mostly friendly and mature discussion there. I’d have my account there if they federated more, but that’s my choice as it is theirs.

  • notceps [he/him]
    9 months ago

    Since I was using this to write a little defederation thing on which instances find hexbear so repulsive they had to defederate I noticed the number from exploding-heads go up quite a bit from the 75 to 170 now. I will make it a point to call out two specific instances for being hilariously disgusting aka the german federation, and both defederated hexbear but didn’t defed the outright nazi instance exploding-heads earlier today, class act from the german and danish mod team.

    Also apparently they were aware of it two months ago but didn’t chose to act until today which yeah class act from the german admins.